Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Learning and Teaching Technologies at my School

Today I had a professional development day at my school. I was given the option of signing up for one of many technology sessions; I could choose from workshops on how to design and publish websites, skills for working with iMovie and iPhoto, making presentations with Keynote, making Enhanced Podcasts, etc. The list goes on and on. I chose Enhanced Podcasting.

So I spent the entire day totally engrossed in learning new skills and programs that I can use for lesson plans in my classroom, and even things to teach to my kids how to do themselves. Soooo fantastic! Best of all, I didn't have to go across the city or even to another country for this workshop - it was right here in my own school provided by the experts of the L.T.T. (learning and teaching technology) team.

So I made my very first Podcast! It's a public service announcement example to show my kids as we begin our new unit of inquiry - Waste Management. My students will use this example, along with my instruction (and fresh expertise) to create their own public service announcements.


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